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Fringoo Blog

Introducing our latest product: Reusable Silicon Drink Bottles

Here at Fringoo, we are constantly coming up with new designs that will cater to our customers’ needs. We love to create new and innovative products that will fit in with your daily life, and add convenience and fun to your family routines! We aim to provide products that will be functional, stylish and useful: so of course, we are SO excited to introduce our new reusable, collapsible silicon drinks bottles! 

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Christmas gift ideas for toddlers in 2018

Christmas shopping 2018 with fringoo! Trendy accessories for kids, adults, tweens, teens and toddlers! The perfect gift this christmas!

Good morning everyone! We’d like to continue our Christmas tips and tricks blog series with a guide on choosing presents for the littlest ones in our lives. Here we've put together selection of Christmas gift ideas that toddlers are guaranteed to love!

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