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Fringoo Blog

Christmas Holiday Travel Essentials

This Christmas holiday, I’m sure many of you have long journeys to make, travelling home for Christmas, or taking the kids to see relatives. Or maybe some of you are even ditching the winter weather for a warmer destination abroad: we’re not jealous….we promise!

We’ve put together a handy list of travel essentials from Fringoo, whether you’re packing the kids into the car to visit family, have a long train journey home for Christmas, or you’re jetting off somewhere with your best friends!

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Christmas gift ideas for toddlers in 2018

Christmas shopping 2018 with fringoo! Trendy accessories for kids, adults, tweens, teens and toddlers! The perfect gift this christmas!

Good morning everyone! We’d like to continue our Christmas tips and tricks blog series with a guide on choosing presents for the littlest ones in our lives. Here we've put together selection of Christmas gift ideas that toddlers are guaranteed to love!

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